新的数字银行——即将到来! 数字银行目前是不可用的,而我们最终确定一个新的数字银行的经验,作为我们的系统集成的一部分. 我们将在新平台上线后给您发送电子邮件,以便您探索新的特性和功能. 与此同时, 请访问我们的网站,了解更多有关期望以及如何为顺利过渡做准备的信息.
(not necessarily experienced by 直接金融 members).
通常通过电子邮件或邮政邮件发起, a letter is sent by the scammer stating that you have won a lottery. 在信中, there’s often instructions asking you to send funds and/or your bank account information, 支付处理费用, 税, and other miscellaneous fees in order to receive your winnings. 任何合法的彩票都不会要求付款或银行账户信息来接收您的奖金. 欲知详情,请浏览以下联邦贸易委员会网页: http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/fake-prize-sweepstakes-and-lottery-scams
你会收到一封邮件, phone call or 文本 message informing you that fraud has been detected on your account. This communication may even appear to come from your own financial institution. 你被要求提供信息, 通常是信用卡号或登录凭证, to resolve the supposed fraud or to prevent the account from being closed.
Generally done by phone, the fraudster takes advantage of your desire to be helpful. 在一个常见的版本中, you receive a call telling you that your grandchild is in trouble and needs financial help, sometimes with further explanation that they have been in an accident or arrested. 骗子要求你提取一大笔现金,并声明你不能告诉任何人这件事, 否则这个家庭成员可能会惹上更多麻烦. 骗子可能会要求你购买礼品卡, 通过西联汇款汇款, or arrange for a local fraudster to pick up the funds from your house.
通常通过电话来完成, 骗子会假装是社会保障局等政府机构的人给你打电话, 美国国税局, 甚至是医疗保险. 他们经常威胁说,如果你不提供你的个人信息或提供他们要求的东西,就会发生不好的事情. Your caller ID may even say the call is from the 政府ernment, but caller ID can be faked. 诈骗者还可能冒充执法人员, 比如FBI, 威胁说,如果你不提供个人信息或不给他们寄钱,你可能会被逮捕. 任何政府机构或执法人员都不会在电话中要求你提供个人信息或要求你给他们寄钱! 有关详情,请浏览以下的联邦贸易委员会连结: http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-avoid-government-impersonator-scam
You see a pop-up message on your computer that tells you your computer has a virus. The message may look similar to legitimate anti-virus software messages. 在某些情况下, the fraudster is trying to sell you bogus security software that does little or nothing. 在其他情况下, this fraud may involve illegitimately capturing credit card information, or installing malicious software such as a keystroke logging program. 如果您单击接受下载, 你很可能允许安装恶意软件,并把电脑的控制权交给骗子.
The scammer will contact their victims via phone call, 电子邮件, 或发短信,伪装成来自亚马逊或诺顿杀毒软件等知名企业的人. 骗子通常会说你的账户有问题,或者你没有购买的东西已经收费了. 他们将要求您立即联系他们以纠正问题,届时他们也可能要求访问您的设备以处理退款. 一旦他们进入了你的设备, 他们要求您登录您的网上银行,在此过程中,他们正在窃取您的登录凭据/访问您的帐户和帐户信息. 有关详情,请浏览以下的联邦贸易委员会连结: http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-spot-avoid-and-report-tech-support-scams
Scammers advertise jobs the same way legitimate employers do — online (in ads, 在工作现场, 和社交媒体). They promise you a job, but what they want is your money and your personal information. They will often send you a check and ask you to purchase equipment or material for the job. They may also ask you to purchase gift cards with the funds. 没有一个合法的潜在雇主会给你一张支票,然后让你把其中的一部分寄出去,或者用它买礼品卡. The check will bounce, and the bank will want you to repay the amount of the fake check. 有关详情,请浏览以下的联邦贸易委员会连结: http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/job-scams
A scammer will contact their victim via an online sales ad, such as an ad on Craigslist or 脸谱网 Marketplace, 要求购买该物品. 骗子会寄给受害者一张金额超过约定购买价格的支票,并要求受害者立即将超出的部分寄回给他们. The check gets returned and the victim is left to cover the loss. 有关详情,请浏览以下的联邦贸易委员会连结: http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/fake-check-scams
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
每年,数以百万计的美国人发现犯罪分子冒用了他们的身份. 在受害者意识到他们的身份被盗之前,欺诈者利用被盗的社会安全号码或其他个人信息可以迅速获得数千美元的购买.
Identity theft has become the fastest-growing crime in America, 这种犯罪行为通常让受害者承担清理虚假购物网络的责任, 虚假的账户, 信用评级受损.
如果您担心您的孩子或18岁以下的孩子的潜在身份被盗, you can use this form to send a letter to the three primary credit bureaus. 您需要输入您的信息三次, 因为这个表格创建了给所有三个局的信.
If you are concerned that your child under the age of 18 is a victim of identity theft, 你应该联系三个信用局,让他们搜索你孩子的信息. 访问 the following FTC’s website for further information: How To Protect Your Child From Identity Theft | FTC Consumer Information
以帮助限制你收到的电话营销电话的数量和你的机会,骗子联系你, you can register your phone number(s) with the National Do Not 呼叫 Registry here: http://www.donotcall.gov/
随时了解诈骗的最新情况, 请浏览联邦贸易委员会网站的以下摘要页,并按“获取电邮更新”订阅“消费者资讯”: 诈骗警报| FTC消费者信息
ReportFraud.联邦贸易委员会.政府 你可以在联邦政府的网站上举报欺诈、诈骗和不良商业行为吗.
访问 消费者.联邦贸易委员会.政府 寻找窍门,学习如何避免诈骗.
Consider placing a security freeze with the three major credit reporting agencies. 这可以在网上或通过电话完成. 安全冻结禁止, 有一些特殊的例外, 信用报告机构未经消费者授权不得发布消费者信用报告或其中的任何信息.
安全 Freeze | Freeze or Unfreeze Your Credit | Equifax®
Credit Freeze | Freeze My Credit | TransUnion
总检察长办公室也是另一个消费者保护资源,如果你是欺诈的受害者,你可以联系它. 访问 this direct link to the Vermont AGO’s website: 诈骗-佛蒙特州总检察长办公室
If you think you have become a victim of identity theft, 或者如果你有任何问题, 请拨打呼叫中心800.966.8200.